Pray for North Africa

Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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Our Vision

We seek 168 hours dedicated to focused prayer every week (that's all the hours of the week) interceding for North Africa. Pray for spiritual break through from Morocco to Egypt.

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Extraordinary Prayer

Every disciple making movement in history has happened in the context of extraordinary prayer. This is prayer that is full of faith, sacrificial, and offered from the unity of believers. Become one of our extraordinary prayer warriors fueling God's work in the region.

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Movement Focused

Join us in asking the Lord to raise up local leaders who will be a part of streams of disciple making movements and churches across the region.

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Prayer for Every Hour

Choose a 15-minute (or more!) time slot that you can pray for each day or each week. Invite someone else to sign up to. We want each hour that we live and minister in North Africa to be matched by an hour of prayer by ministry supporters.

Prayer changes things. Jesus and the early church leaders instructed us to stay awake and pray! Will pray so that the cumulative prayers of our ministry supporters equal 168 hours each week?

We envision this as you partnering, hour-for-hour of time we give as we move our lives to North Africa, matched by your prayer for every hour of the week.

Sign up for a regular time, either daily or by choosing a date each week for a certain time. Join with the global church in praying for movements to Christ. You'll be sent prayer fuel along reminders for each time slot you've signed up for. Prayer fuel is a prayer request and scripture written by one of us expressing how we're asking the Holy Spirit to intercede for the blessing of all in North Africa.

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5.92 days

Time Committed


Prayer Warriors

Prayer Fuel

Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.

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